MacWorld Secrets (4th Edition)
Mac Secrets CD 4th Ed.toast.sit
Mac Secrets CD 4th Ed.toast
Shareware & Freeware
Label Secrets Pro 2.0
Label Secrets Pro
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605 lines
additional software needed!
a fresh, pre-formatted blank!
...See you in the next edition!
the same setting.
Better speed, lower RAM usage!
guy’s drive was totally full!
power key (restarts the Mac)
(Try the Secrets demo version.)
(or:) ftp.support.apple.com
to boot!
"Macworld Mac SECRETS" book).
window’s SCROLL BAR!
Finder’s File menu.
recently opened and closed.
somewhere else.
appropriate blank.
easy, and amazing quality.
huge letters. Fantastic effect!
ISN’T listed?!
StyleWriter II, etc.
will do the trick.
“Randomize” option!
copy of it.
from the File menu.
you installed MOST RECENTLY.
empty blank — presto!
Finder, they’re always on top!
solves the problem.
floppy pops out.
start up from the CD.
power key for startup.
Text. Now type into the cell!
the Fonts folder back.
the Get Info command).
often get extra toner free.
wrong with those people?!
menu — you’ll see it.
top of the window!
Folder”) by mistake.
text jumps on cue!
while you’re away.
Instant Messages.
the ones with no label!
that’s bad news.
SimpleText; and choose Speak!
Secrets.” Instant readability!
— Charles Seiter
Much better now!
best ones! (Pogue@aol.com)
clicking Fewer.
In boosktores, or 800-762-2974.
without any fuss!
with ResEdit. ‘Nuff said.
“Mac Secrets.”
criteria you’ve specified!
will hide itself instantly!
Command-O to open them.
startup screen format. Neat!
you get a private screening!
...and away they go!
think that is!
Sharing, and try again.
switch is in the Chooser.)
the programmer's name.
quote marks will smarten up!
drive is now defragmented.
to find out exactly how much!
ungroup them when you’re done.
itself for your screen.
as clicking the Desktop button.
the next available disk.
folder level.
(Command-V). No more icon!
font, and widen the margins.
can’t edit the table).
from Print Monitor’s File menu.
even more.
nice color version of the map.)
the target program for pasting.
file will be up to 50% smaller!
the command you executed.
coating onto your document.
(etc.) at top of the window.
layout program, for example.)
to the folder that contains it.
Chapter 21 (ResEdit).
eyestrain if you type all day.
programs and print each file.
show up (so you can’t drag it).
wrong, the print suffers.
trash by pressing Cmd-Delete!
and so on.
done starting up.
hold down Shift. That does it!
confuses Mac’s filing system.
corners! Now it won’t happen.
smiling icon to another screen.
System folder).
they’re in the order you want.
startup and shutdown items.
supports virtual memory.)
Labels control panel authors!
But it keeps them on the knife!
Use it just temporarily.
Desktop for quick access.
Command-drag to make an alias.
paste the graphic into Word.
Apple Menu Items folder. Done!
Now THAT is a long file name!
can easily add new items.
(Or just use Square One…)
you'll see the secret names.
selection from the keyboard.
asked for the correct floppy!
now press Option 11 times!
Naked Mole-Rats Cam!
single-window view.
Date, Size, Kind or Name.
the right side of the screen.
key lets them move freely.
traveled to get there.
cation menu—and go to work!
(or choose Close Window).
windows will be closed!
then resave onto a good disk.
window at the same time.
at Desktop level.
a selected folder.
all the folders inside it.
label on top.
windows from opening!
open; it just blinks dumbly!
file “ 2” now comes before 10.
changing its resolution. Cool!
Command-dragging its title bar.
move them as a group.
“Macworld Mac SECRETS.”
the outer window as you go.
emptying” checkbox.
the Empty Trash command.
Option, P, and R keys.
also in there.
instead of using the Chooser.
single copy.)
the Macintosh Computer!”
to select black-and-white.)
“Macworld Mac Secrets”!
icon to install it.
panel? Give it a try!
anything that says Sharing.
a sound) a Play Sound button!
QuickCam for you, pal!
at once!
into the Puzzle!
No camera needed!
Pretty wild.
Set. Reverse when you return.
as many files as needed.)
much as you can spare.
fix the Mac where you are.
sound recording biz. So sue me!
a more streamlined program.
appears instantly.
document or program?
folder (in System folder)!
up with the next one it sees.
the name you want removed.
last three spots you clicked.
first part of the style name.)
C-I. A hidden photo appears!
game of Space Invaders!
just drag them to the trash.
order, or for more info.
are for the programmers...)
and watch the fun!
Call 800-762-2974 to order.
the original program authors.
The hare will come.
wait. Lights...music...action!
Special menu.
for it back!
THAT one.
Wash ball. Dry it. Put it back.
any other browser!
text, right onto your movie.
pop-up menu. Cool!
for “No,” or Y for “Yes.”
icon, click it and press Clear.
Desktop, and get to work!
those annoying beachball waits!
Mac has finished starting up.
Macintosh Secrets.”
We thought you’d want a break.
a duplicate of the text.
system for that money.
to a new disk.
• The modem
get it online).
Startup Options command.)
on and off as necessary.
off. You’ll get a smaller copy.
lines of text line up.
“Mac Secrets.”
(or network) on the modem port.
house go dead.
cumulative days.
region will fill the screen.
like this.
program you install.
better-looking results.
natural full size.
onto the end of the arc.
can jump directly to one.
done — at least it's safe.
to normal.
at 11, type “&p + 10”.
miss it…no more error messages!
(HINT: It's the Option key.)
which ones! (See Chapter 13.)
Text with Layout.
between the words.
to change them to ligatures.
misspelled the name forever.
change it independently now.
the displayed date.
asked to open an old one.
disk space. It’s no problem.
for the scanner to read.
equivalents in the box.
delete the dummy letter.
document as needed.
install new software!
after another. Whew.
SLOWER. Don’t use it!
period twice to shut it up!
extension’s icon!
of juice from the power cord.
at this point!
didn’t we?)
into a certain program!
Wasn’t that easy?
for “SCSI Disk Mode.”
the power key on the keyboard!
as they go by.
it’ll fill your whole screen.
Shift key.
"Enable Label Secrets"!
key to mean Delete.)
it’s a Power Mac!
it ...!
menu black!
Throw it away and restart.
and System folders, in order.
Paste wherever you like.
SCSI conflict!
monitor’s aging electronics.
Graphing Calculator... try 'em!
good secret About box!
(They use RAM, though.)
And turn off Summary box!
when troubleshooting.
a way to get it to you.
click to change icon sizes too!
backdrop pattern!
some work done!
See “Mac Secrets,” Chapter 32.
pretty nice, actually.
even “are you sure?”!
Label Secrets & turn it off.)